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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

Benefits of detoxifying the body with natural foods

Detoxifying with natural foods that are good for the body helps the body get rid of accumulated toxins in the body that we encounter and receive every day, both from food. weather and others When accumulated over time, it results in inflammation in the body.

8 benefits of eating salmon that fish lovers must know.

Today we have good things. Let’s share with our people. Those are the 8 benefits of eating salmon. Once you know it, you’ll want to eat it even more than before. But! We only have good things to share with you. The dangers of eating salmon In excessive quantities,

9 ways to nourish and care for your nails to be beautiful

Many girls have probably encountered problems when picking up things. Or take a photo and post it on social media and feel insecure. Because your damn nails are what make you feel awkward. Until sometimes you have to find filters or stickers to put on

5 Tips For Drinking Water To Care For Your Kidneys

Drinking water is essential to life. Because water is an important component in the body. Helps eliminate waste through urine. Makes the body’s functioning balanced It is a component in the blood that carries blood components and various nutrients to different parts of the body,

6 highly beneficial foods But you shouldn’t eat too much.

Of course, eating each type of food Even though it is classified as food that has many benefits But if eaten in large quantities or eaten too often It will always cause negative effects on the body. Today we have gathered together 6 foods that are considered to be

8 best foods to reduce cholesterol in the arteries

Many of you may already know that coronary artery disease and heart disease are It has taken a toll on the lives of many people. The important factor that causes the risk of these diseases is Daily food consumption. Today, we would like to invite everyone to focus on

7 types of food you should avoid Risk of increasing high cholesterol

It is true that girls Can’t deny that Nowadays, there are many women who are faced with high cholesterol levels. This condition is mostly caused by eating foods that are high in cholesterol. Today, we would like to compile 7 types of foods that are at risk of increasing high cholesterol

10 foods that risk high blood fat

High blood fat or high cholesterol It is a dangerous condition for the cardiovascular system. It may be a cause of the risk of ischemic heart disease. and risk of hardening of the arteries Currently, it is found that there are many Thai people who have a condition where

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Working in shifts, can’t sleep, what should I do?

People who need to work in shifts Alternating morning shifts, such as doctors, nurses, security guards factory worker Expressway workers, transportation workers, firefighters Television station crews, etc. may have insomnia problems. What should I do? Humans normally follow a circadian rhythm in relation to temperature and sunlight, meaning that