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Category Archives: Health & Beauty

Lead poisoning common disease in our country because lead

Lead poisoning is a common disease in our country because lead is a common contaminant. Symptoms of lead poisoning can occur in many organ systems and are similar to symptoms of other diseases. Therefore, if doctors do not think about it, it may lead to

What causes weight gain

What causes weight gain  The causes of obesity come from many factors, both genetics, which cannot be controlled, and the environment, which can be controlled more. Factors that are difficult to control – Genetics: If one parent is obese, or both are obese, the risk of

The hotter the weather, the drier the skin. “Emulsion”

The hotter the weather, the drier the skin. “Emulsion” is a must-have item for this summer. Did you know? It’s not just winter that makes your skin dry. In summer, your already dry skin gets even drier. That’s because the intense sunlight in summer and the sweat

Which one is call overweight or obese?

Which one is call overweight or obese? overweight or obese What measures use as a measure? Obesity is cause by the accumulation of fat in various organs throughout the body. But the most common is the area under the skin. In males, fat tends to accumulate around

New innovation to reverse the age of the skin around the eyes.

New innovation to reverse the age of the skin around the eyes. Why should you take care of the skin around your eyes? because the skin around the eyes is thinner than the skin in other areas In addition, collagen and elastin fibers that help firm,

8 simple self care methods away from obesity

8 simple self care methods away from obesity. No-secret tips for taking care of yourself away from obesity. Recommends 8 simple ways to make women look younger. Have a beautiful figure forever. Many ways that girls Often use to reduce or control weight.  Whether it’s taking a weight loss course, exercising,

Low Carb vs High Protein Diet

Low Carb vs High Protein Diet Nowadays, people prefer to lose weight in Low Carb way by choosing to practice by themselves. Really, what is Low Carb ? Can it really done by yourself by UFABET?  Are there advantages or disadvantages to losing weight this way? carbohydrate foods It is